A favor from all the community : )

Hello everyone : )

As you may know, my idea was chosen to be part of the Switchmed program, which is a 5 sessions program to encourage green initiatives. They asked me to make a survey, and I am now collecting answers for it.

I would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill this survey. Your opinion really counts!

Wish you a beautiful evening, and thanks a million!



Done :slight_smile:

PS: not that important but you have a spelling error loose instead of lose!




Awesome initiative. And that’s coming from someone that buys 3-4 bottles of water every day.
Also, I love the customization part. I can make the customization part seamless when you start your operations.


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done! - best of luck for your project!

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Awesome initiative!
Full support

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Thank you, well noted : )just fixed it! and thanks for filling it : )

Thank you Marc! and thanks for filling the survey

Hi Rabih!
Thank you, and wow really? that sounds great, am interested in talking more to you about this : )!

Thank you : ) and thanks a million for filling the survey : ) !

Done, good stuff! best of luck

It’s actually very important, good catch @CAN

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