Bilal Ghalib's Signature Strength

Ok, so my name is Bilal Ghalib, I’m helping host the 7 days activities, but really it’s all of us together that make this feel like a community. So give it some time, effort and thinking when you write. In life, you get out what you put in, that’s a rule as strong as gravity :wink:

For my 3 prompts:
a) Your signature strength.Your signature strength is a character trait that you identified above. When it’s in your life you feel energized and that it’s the “real you”. If you need help understanding what the strengths mean, you can see some deeper descriptions here.

My top 5 are:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Judgement
  3. Creativity
  4. Love of learning
  5. Honesty / Authenticity

I believe my signature strength, the thing that makes me come alive is Creativity. From this description it says:
Creativity: Original, adaptive, ingenuity, seeing and doing things in different ways.
Which is so true. Whenever I’m problem solving and using my strength of judgement, when I come across a new solution that I haven’t thought of before or seen, I’m so excited, I literally dream and can’t sleep when I’m working on electronics or robotics projects.

b) Do some journaling and share a short story about how your strength has helped you in your professional or personal life.
My creativity has allowed me to start businesses and excite people to work with me on fun projects from Nur Creative Studio, or my robotics project in Egypt, or even my story telling in talks. It’s been an asset I rely on heavily and I actively cultivate. One way I like to keep my creative juices flowing is by coming up with 10 ways to do something. If I need to give a talk, I come up with 10 ways to do the presentation before I go for it :slight_smile:

c) How will you use your signature strength in a new way today? If you need help, check out this list.
Today, I feel like I want to creatively find a way to make my wife smile. I feel like we’re away all the time and the distance is a barrier to us connecting. So how can I find a creative way to connect :slight_smile:

Love everyone who’s a part of this journey with me! Huge hugs!