Carla's superpower cycle

My super power is passion. It creates in me curiosity to experiment out of the box. And experimentation enhances my creativity. My creativity made me addicted to problem solving. Problem solving needs leadership and good leadership leads to success.

I just need to work on loving the same things for longer times since i get bored very very very easily!!!


It’s incredible that you have this much self knowledge, it’s super valuable.

If you take the assessment (linked at the top of this post) I think we will see that perseverance is lower on your strength’s ladder, would love to work with you to find ways to bolster that if you’re interested :slight_smile:

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I am always interested in learning and self development.
Thank you Bilalll!!!

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I think you’ll really appreciate this assessment then :slight_smile:

sure i willll!!! the offer is already appreciated!

we have that in common! i get bored easily as well. hope that changes with time

passion is amazing, it gives you a sense of going forward everytime you are hit with a challenge

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