Hey Guys,
I would like to get feedback regarding my pitch. Where did I take the most time?
Thank you,
Mohamad Ternanni
Hey Guys,
I would like to get feedback regarding my pitch. Where did I take the most time?
Thank you,
Mohamad Ternanni
How do we empower investors? (flip it, start with the question)
Great enthusiasm!
You didn’t start with the problem, you started with what you want people to be able to do. “Freely trade stocks”
Slide timing didn’t work out so well this time, with a bit more practice it can be made better.
How about saying how exciting the 60 $ number is by showing the power of aggregates. Say: if only 5% of young people in Lebanon invested just 60 dollars (the number we got as the average from our survey (don’t tell the size of your sample till it’s much larger ;D))
great to talk about competitors as also customers
zoomaal has two oo’s and two aa’s
6k is not that hard to start! Amazing if that’s all you’ll need. What software will you be whitelableing? is there any open source alt?
Thanks for sharing and would love to hear if @DMN @tudor @elkhourylaura or @joesafi have thoughts
Hi Mohamad,
the start was great, then I felt that you could improve the structure of your ideas and overall I liked your energy… The rest was already mentioned by Bilal, I guess!
Will be following up with your progress for sure, fellow scout
OK take it from someone that already went through the equity crowdfunding road.
Equity crowdfunding and crowdfunding in general don’t make a profit. You need licenses to operate which cost a lot… $400k capital for Lebanon. Just Lebanon… Also, you’ll need a lot of regulation from a lot of governments and central market authorities in each country. Not all countries offer that.
So in short. If you think you’re gonna be making money from this. You’re not. Indiegogo and Kickstarter are loosing more money each year. Eureeka in UAE failed, they don’t have any pipeline.
So If you don’t have $400k laying around. Don’t waste your time like I did.
Hello Rabih,
I appreciate the feedback. I did research the companies you are talking about. However, I am crafting my product and have gathered the data necessary to offer a product people want. I would appreciate it if you would articulate your claim of “400k$ capital for Lebanon”. As for my motivations, I do want to(and will) make money out of this. However, I am investing in a project that I genuinely believe will solve a crisis. I am not doing this for myself but for my country. I will not sit here lying around watching my country’s economy crumble without doing anything about it. If I do fail, I will have the satisfaction of giving it my best shot. If you do want to help, the team would happily take any existing code you have and modify it to fit our product. We would build on/improve what you have and give you credit for your generous initiative.
My Gmail: mohamadternanni@gmail.com
Thank you,
Call the CMA-Central Market Authority. They are located in downtown banks Street. Ask for an appointment with their lawyer. He will give you all the required information and documents. If you’re talking about Lebanon.
You can do the same for Dubai, European Union and the United States.
You don’t need to write your own code. Visit fundraisingscript.com/equity-crowdfunding-script and buy it.
But before you waste your money and time. Make an appointment with the lawyer, very nice guy. He’ll set your mind at ease.
If you want to get a European Union or a Dubai crowdfunding license. Set yourself up for a lot of paper work and 1 to 2 years of waiting.
Also, you need an investor’s account with 3rd party verifications so a person can invest and get equity. Just like the CFI. If you don’t have a minimum of $10k forget about going into stocks.
Don’t attempt to get a USA license because you need to be a US citizen.
Study all of your costs. There are a lot of hidden fees in this field. See if it is worth it.
I did talk to Mr. Shabbir when I first decided to do this. However, my expertise and the nature of my team give me the possibility of customizing my work to meet my standards. After we thought about it, buying a white license from him “at that price” is outrageous especially that his whole script does not complete 30% of our final product. We offer much more sophisticated services. (To be released in forms of updates). Thank you very much for devoting the time necessary to share your hardships. I do have relations with lawyers already. Thank you for the valuable information.