Hello! Marielle here 😊

Hey hey !
Super excited to be part of this community!
I’m also a member of the Koullouna team, bringing all Lebanon-Lovers a way to stay connected to the country- For the curious here’s our website: www.koullounabox.com

Aaand here are my 3 truths/lies:

  • I can stay under water without breathing for 3 minutes
  • I wrote a book
  • My uncle is a famous comedian

Hugs to all!


What up. You do have an Olympian swimmer vibe. Also, High five on writing a book. I’m finishing mine.
As for your uncle… That’s a lie!!!

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Marielle! Welcome!

I’m inspired to put you to the test on all three … so maybe we should call it two truths and one aspiration. :slight_smile:

  1. Beach day?
  2. Can you share a link / title / copy? :slight_smile:
  3. Did the comedian gene get passed on to you? Any favorite jokes?


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@mariellekhayat so great to see you on TPC!!!

Could I please get a pdf copy of your book???

Hmmm… this is tricky, everything is so probable. I need to think about it for a bit. Maybe have a few meetings and consult with some academics on the art of two truths, one lie. Read some articles on “white lies” (do those exist?) and come back to you in a few.


Ok, Marielle… Let’s see hereeeee

3 mins is totally within the realms of possibility. I’d love to be introduced to your hilarious uncle, so I’m hoping that one is true as well. I’d say you have a book inside you waiting to come out, yet it’s not born yet, so that is the lie. Did I get it?


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Ha! Glad it’s not that obvious :wink:

@bilal nope! So here’s a first hint :wink:

One down, two to go.

And @DMN, challenge accepted!

(@Dana good to see you here too!!!)


Hi Marielle!

So cool to have you here! I am a BIG FAN of your Koullouna project! I am following you guys on Social Media !

I guess the lie is that you can stay under water for 3 minutes - Is Sami Khayat your uncle :smile:

Cheers!!! :sunny:

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Your uncle may be Sami khayat
i’d go for the 3 minutes

Well played @gebranelie & @jf.atallah !! My name was kind of an obvious hint…

And @jf.atallah: Thank you!! super nice to hear that :blush:


Good job on the book Marielle!!! you can be proud of yourself :wink: Say hi to your uncle he’s a really funny guy :wink:


@mariellekhayat little did you know that by the end of Pitchworthy you will be able to hold your breath for 3 mins too. I believe in you.


woa! Interesting… I have breathing issues! gonna try it yalla


I’ve been doing this program off/on for a while, let me know if you have any questions. It’s pretty powerful and a great way to wake up. Cold showers FTW!


I learned an amazing technique from a yogi once to improve breathing from the nose.

Stand up with arms straight in front of you (not to your side but up and in front). Then jump up while alternating your feet and bring your knee as high up as you can (towards your chin), try it really quickly for 10-20 rounds and your nose will automatically unclog. It’s magic @mariellekhayat and practical at any given moment (except in heels).

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great!! Will try it :slight_smile: thanks Dana! I’ll let you know how it goes :wink:

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