Helloo I'm Sabine

I’m an environmental expert and a member of MyBus team. Our idea is about an app/platform between organized and well-maintained buses and employees/students heading to and from their work/universities in order to reduce traffic congestion. I find your projects very interesting.
And when it comes to the 2 truths and a lie, here we go:
Well I hate sports, I’ve been once a target for a knife-thrower at a circus and I love dancing.


Hello @s.najm! Welcome!

I’m going to start off with my guess that you LOVE sports. It seems to be a trend amoungst almost everyone on the BAE program. Welcome aboard!


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Hello @s.najm
I guess I will agree with @bilal

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I also agree with @bilal and @mahmoud_trabulsi regarding sports. But I didn’t know you were once a knife-throwing target! Remi from MyBus :smiley:

It’s about time we have a common commute. I’m happy that someone picked up the mantle in this underappreciated industry.
I’m going to spread the odds here and say you’ve never been a target.

I’m glad that everybody here loves sports! and it is definitely my lie, so well done @bilal @mahmoud_trabulsi @remi and thank you for trying @rabih
All the best!