Hey there, I'm Dana!

Excited to connect with everyone in Bootcamp’s virtual accelerator experience.

My name is Dana (obviously). ONE For a while I launched and operated www.spiceofzara.com! TWO I’m a morning yogini THREE I’ve been recently training in acroyoga (I believe I can fly :musical_note:).

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I’m going to go for the third one. I think you might be afraid of heights ;D!

Spiceofzara no doubt.

I guess I will go with the third one

Haha 2 doubt my acroyoga skills and one my ecommerce skills. Geez thanks!

I’ll give this a little more and release the lie!

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Hey Dana nice to meet you! you’re part of an active community so I guess you being a morning person is true. Yes, I’m changing the rules, I don’t want to find the lie :stuck_out_tongue:

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@bilal @rabih @mahmoud_trabulsi @CAN

Thanks for giving it a go!

@rabih but whyyyyy?? WRONG

@CAN thanks for the vote of confidence.

I actually hate morning yoga, despite liking mornings. I only ever do morning yoga if I’ve developed neck pain from a bad sleep or too much laptop work.

I have been practicing acroyoga and I did it in the park last week and a group of kids surrounded us and clapped, it was rather awkward but validating!

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I don’t know. everybody was going in one direction. I decided to go the other way. And you’re really calm. Like super calm. So yoga was the only answer.

Acroyoga is the one you do with a partner? or the one where you hang from the ceiling wrapped in blanket?

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Alright then :slight_smile: I guess calmness and leadership don’t appear like the usual combination lol or do they?

With a partner. It’s with a base and a flyer, could include more people too. Has many moves. It’s built on trust and balance. Here are some pros.

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