New website and first box out!

Hi guys!

We revisited our website and launched it last week giving our brand a fresh look. Check it out here: Would love to hear your thoughts on it: user experience, content… any feedback you can share would be great.

Another huge event for us: we sent out our first box! The first market that received it is France and customers are loving it, we’re getting feedback slowly and we will be sending a detailed typeform survey next week (just waiting for other markets to receive their box :)). I attached a few pictures of the box and the products inside, it was a mix of cultural, food and home deco items (something to please everyone ;))
In the box we had:
• A pair of socks by Sikasok
• The book "L’Etoile Phoenicienne’ by Tania Bonja Honein
• A bookmark by L’Artisan du Liban
• A suitcase tag by 10452 DNA
• A soap by the Soap Museum in Saida
• A pack of Anis seeds by Abido spices
• A postcard designed by Cindy Daccache
• The initiative of the month: FabricAid

  • all the content about each of the products/initiative

Let us know what you think about the products, the design and overall concept!


Hi @pascale

The website is simple, nice, and elegant as far as I’m concerned

The contents of the boxes are great, but honestly I found that the first box was more interesting as it had some directly correlated items (coffee, coffee pot, the cups), the second box has cool content but I didn’t get its concept clearly I guess

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Love this! So exciting to see it coming together :slight_smile: I would also love to see how you gather / pack all the materials, as someone who’s run an online store I know how challenging fulfillment can be. What systems do you use to keep track of shipments and orders?

On the site, I’d recommend you put the “Choose your plan” bullet under the first two since I want to know first that I’ll “Get your monthly surprise”!!

Another recommendation as someone who loves smells - find some scents that might connect people with Lebanon. It’s a great trigger for memories and nostalgia :slight_smile:

Huge hugs and huge conrats!

I’d love some feedback from other @bae-explorers!

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Awesome box and website !
I agree with @bilal l about the feature of “smell” missing and another point is that i don’t seem to find the Lebanese flag !

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Hey Mahmoud!
Each box has a theme, and obviously the first one was around the ‘Coffee’ theme. This was our prototype box last year and it was super well received so we might actually bring it back at some point (we kind of love it too ;)) This month’s box is around the theme of ‘Kankaneh’ so it’s everything you need to feel cozy at home: a book, socks, soap, yansoun, a bookmark…
The products themselves don’t have to be originally lebanese (for example the socks) but have to made by a Lebanese and preferably in Lebanon. However, we could find an incredibly talented Lebanese living in California, and fabricating his product in China. As long as it has a story, and a lebanese twist to it, we’re fans :wink:

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Thanks! We can’t believe it’s happening! super exciting!!

We’re working with a fulfillment company in France who takes care of the packaging and delivery in France (and another delivery company based in France for international delivery) since we have 400 boxes to ship and we wanted to make sure that the process goes smoothly.
Our website is built by an agency in France who specializes in websites for subscription boxes. The great thing about is that they are synced with the fulfillment company that we work with so there’s not much manual work that needs to be done: they basically receive the orders every month in their backend, package the products and send them.

On the site, that’s a good point, but in the customer’s journey, starts with them choosing a plan and then receiving the box… But maybe we should emphasize more the ‘surprise’ effect. Thanks :wink:

You mean put smells in the box? Yes that’s a very good idea! Like snoubar!

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Hey Marc, you mean the Lebanese flag on the website? We’re trying to steer away from the cliche :slight_smile:
We do make sure that in our content we refer back to Lebanon often, and play on the sentimental aspect of the box. Also, we have quite a few customers that are not Lebanese (foreigners that like to discover about other cultures, or gifting it to someone) so we have to stay relevant to all our audience.
That said, we could have more pictures on the website that have more of a Lebanese feel…
Thanks for the tip :wink:

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Awesome to see there are services to support you bootstrapping and testing your project. And yes! Smells! I have a small etsy store where I sell scents: Rare oils and crafts from around the world door NurCreativeStudio (we turned it off as we’re shifting to drop shipping right now) and I know there are some great places to find awesome well distilled oils in Lebanon. Ma’ Zahr is especially great :slight_smile:

In terms of starting with surprise or with process, I was giving feedback on my own experience of the site. Have you thought of using heat maps to see where people are reading?

Enjoy a beautiful Monday!


Steering away from the typical cliches makes perfect sense !
Goodluck !

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