Prompt #4 - What's the smallest version of your project?

IDEA PROMPT: 10 What is the smallest element you can spin off your business idea as a short project in a month?

Thanks for sticking with me everyone! This post focuses on a structures. Sometimes structures stifle, sometimes they allow us to do the impossible. Every time pilots take off, they follow a checklist to make sure an enormously complex flight is broken down and problems are addressed through a checklist process. After introducing the checklist, flight accidents have dropped drastically making flights one of the safest modes of transportation.

Read the Checklist Manifesto book for more information about how checklists make EVERYTHING better.

Now let’s get more practical. We don’t fly airplanes, but many of us have meetings. Following the same prescription we can have meetings that grow wings and take flight. How?

One very simple tool is called the IDOARRT Meeting. The basic list is to decide before hand the following:

  • Intention
  • Desired Outcome(s)
  • Agenda
  • Roles
  • Rules
  • Time

Another framework is called the the Six Thinking Hats:
The basic thought for this framework is to have a facilitator help people who generally wind up thinking in one mode to think in another. For instance, I love to be optimistic and to ideate, so the facilitator would guide //everyone// to also think with the “black hat” and allow us all to see what could go wrong and to think about the dark sides.

It’s like parallel computing… for teams.

Now how can we create a list of tiny versions of your project? Can you make a checklist describing your entire project and then select just the first element?

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Now onward to my list of 10 ideas on how to do my project in one month instead of 6.
My idea is to create a platform that helps people build habits that builds up their ability to launch businesses.

  1. I could raise money, find franchise opportunities and connect it with people who need jobs and be an investor in people’s businesses with a frame
  2. I could help one person and ignore everyone else
  3. I could start a meet-up about idea crystalizers - people who turn ideas into real things and meet up with people once a week
  4. I could find someone who has the skill and needs some money and give them money
  5. I could find someone who loves to facilitate the work and is in school for counseling and or coaching and train them on the strengths based tiny habits facilitation process.
  6. I could make a few digital products that go from ideation, launch, and presentation
  7. I could go to toastmasters and see if anyone is interested in an arabic version
  8. I could set up a pitchworthy competition to see who is excellent at pitching and match them to coach others. It’ll be fun, like a poetry slam of confidence and capacity.
  9. I could write a song about how awesome it is to build the future and make it //reallly realllllly catchy//
  10. I could work with business / engineering / medical / anthro professors to discuss including some application / ideation / implementation methodology in their curriculums, or just go before class and put cards that link them to my digital content.

Ok! That’s what I got this week! Let me know how you can do your projects goal in a faster simpler way. Hope you’re doing amazingly!


That’s such a great way to look at things. It’s a great exercise, I’ll work on it tonight

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