[Reflect / Plan ] Week 1 for Joelle Atallah

This is your weekly review, we will be asking similar questions every week. Remember the only person you’re “competing” with is yourself. Our goal is to become our better self day by day.

How would you rank your personal effectiveness this last week?
1: Doing things without a system. Scatter shot effort.
2: Building processes haven’t yet applied them
3: Having processes refining them where they fail.
4: Straight B’s
5: I’m a master at efficiency

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Did you comment on at least five different teams posts this week?

  • Yes
  • Next Time

0 voters

How many days this week did you show up for your startup?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

0 voters

Answer the following in the reply box below:
How did things go with your goals from last week?

What are your personal goals for next week?

What could you do to increase your effectiveness by 1% next week?

Work everyday on the startup.
Achieve the agreed upon tasks.
Remember than something done is better than something perfect.

What’s the one thing you want to do today to “work on your startup” ? :slight_smile:

Being specific and concrete can help you more clearly see what you need to do as well as know when you’ve done it :slight_smile:

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@bilal thanks for the feedback!

so, the one thing i want to do to “work on my startup” is to build a preliminary questionnaire that will help us in designing the best solution


Awesome, I’ll check up on you later this week to see how that’s going. Once you have it made let me know I’d love to fill it out!

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Here is a cool reference from this source: This Is the Man Bill Gates Thinks You Absolutely Should Be Reading

When Vaclav Smil was asked: You’ve written over 30 books and published three this year alone. How do you do it?

Vaclav Smil responded: Hemingway knew the secret. I mean, he was a lush and a bad man in many ways, but he knew the secret. You get up and, first thing in the morning, you do your 500 words. Do it every day and you’ve got a book in eight or nine months.

My question is, since you want to work on your startup everyday (that’s just awesome) what’s your 500 words?


@Dana Love this - there’s so much wisdom. Another great idea from Hemmingway about keeping a flow with his work:

“Always stop while you are going good and don’t think about it or worry about it until you start to write the next day.”
-Ernest Hemmingway

The idea is to end your day on a strong point and to come straight back to work the next day, as @dana mentioned, still strong and on a roll from the day before. Our memories are fixed to the Peak End Rule which basically means that if we work till late into the night and are exhausted it will be likely that we look back frustrated about our day which is discouraging. Instead of looking back and feel a sense of accomplishment, this creates a positive feedback loop which will be a great way to encourage us to on our projects and achieve our goals!

Stay wonderful!
+Bilal Ghalib