[Reflect / Plan] Week 1 for Maria Hasrouny

This is your weekly review, we will be asking similar questions every week. Remember the only person you’re “competing” with is yourself. Our goal is to become our better self day by day.

How would you rank your personal effectiveness this last week?
1: Doing things without a system. Scatter shot effort.
2: Building processes haven’t yet applied them
3: Having processes refining them where they fail.
4: Straight B’s
5: I’m a master at efficiency

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Did you comment on at least five different teams posts this week?

  • Yes
  • Next Time

0 voters

How many days this week did you show up for your startup?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

0 voters

Answer the following in the reply box below:
How did things go with your goals from last week?

What are your personal goals for next week?

What are the most important things for your project this coming week?

What could you do to increase your effectiveness by 1% next week?

What is THE most important thing that, if you finish it, you can call the week a success?

How will you celebrate when you succeed?


  1. My last week goals were to check the terms sent by the lawyer and give her my comments and feedback. And everything is finalised now.
  2. My personal goals for this week is to attend the “email writing workshop” that I already registered to it, and start writing the automated emails that will be sent when someone react on the website.
    I will also create a list of showrooms to contact them.
  3. having contact details of 100 showrooms is one of the most important things this week. And calling at least 20 showrooms to get their feedback and set a meeting with them.
  4. To increase my effectiveness, I will leave my toddler with my mom all day and maybe all night :wink:
  5. I should create a list of all the work that will be done in the upcoming 1 month.
  6. I will sleep :slight_smile:
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