[Reflect / Plan ] Week 1 for the Koullouna Team

These questions are to be discussed and answered together as a team:

What are the most important things that you work on this coming week?

What is THE most important thing that, if you finish it, you can call the week a success?

How will you celebrate when you succeed?
@mariellekhayat @JosephS (Does he need help logging on?)

For us the most important thing we’re working on this week is delivering our first boxes! There are 350 of them across the world so we’re fully focused on that with the fulfillment company .

Since customers will start to receive the boxes, we will also start to communicate about it. We’re planning to share what’s inside the April box this week on all our channels.

We celebrate on skype (and SLACK ;)) as a team since we’re all in different parts of the world!


Sending your first shipment of boxes sounds like an amazing achievement! I know you’re a virtual team, I encourage you to find a great way to feel as if you’re celebrating together. Here’s how a company called buffer does it: https://open.buffer.com/remote-team-connect/

Celebrating is a critical component for building closeness and momentum. Both large and small accomplishments. I will share with the cohorts more about tiny habits and micro celebrations that can help bring celebrations into every day.

Huge hugs and congrats on this amazing milestone!

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Thanks Bilal! We love gifs obviously :wink: