[Reflect / Plan] Week 1 for the Mihnati Team

These questions are to be discussed and answered together as a team:

What are the most important things that the team will work on this coming week?

What is THE most important thing that, if you finish it, you can call the week a success?

How will you celebrate when you succeed?
@kebbinour @waelItani

For now, the important thing to finish is to make the full process clear from the minute we have a school to the minute the cycle ends. I think this should be done during 1 to 2 weeks maximum, after which schools shall be contacted. Celebrations? Not until we get our first cycle preparations done :wink:


Hey @kebbinour looks like you have a clear plan of action.

So I take it the full process is like a mind or process map? Are there any tools that you’re using to break it down and visualize the process?

This process will be validated and invalidated many times but I think a minimal process design is a wonderful place to start and could probably be done in 1 day, so long as you keep it minimal and testable.

What’s your outreach plan? Have you developed packages to make onboarding very simple?

First cycle prep looks like a good celebration! I hope that involves dancing perhaps? :dancing_women::dancer:

Hello Dana,

To be honest the first step is clear, however how the cycle will work is not. I think for now the important step to take is to contact the schools because this will allow us to know whether there is real demand from schools themselves for this kind of exercise for the students. After that, if the idea is approved, I think it would do best to propose a plan, which will ofcourse as you said, be validated and invalidated many cycles unit we finally reach THE clear process to follow. I do have several plans in mind, however they are not written yet on pen and paper…

Why not :wink:

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Alright, so your plan of action seems underway.

You want to conduct customer interviews with the school. That’s great. Do you know what sort of questions need to be asked to capture what “real demands” really means?

I will point out the percentage of students that change major or drop out because they dont want to continue with their major. Or the people who graduate and work with something completely different ( like me for instance).

After pointing out, I want to point out that almost all university orientations are useless and explain why, unless they attended with their students some… this will make us exchange views.

I want them to reach the conclusion that what we offer is what their students need

That’s the most important part of your meeting ;).

Interested to know in your original business model, who pays… schools or students?