Stuff that popped in my mind when i read this

•pillows and blankets that you can fit in your pocket and take anywhere so that whenever you’re sleepy you got it “covered” :wink:
•apps that can scan your whole body and diagnose you
•water cooler for people who run so that the water doesn’t heat up while running
•Alarms that wake up heavy sleepers (aka me ) :laughing:


Hahaha we need this alarm :alarm_clock: !

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Hahaha i know right!! it’s a mustt


Do you have a project already @qamar.yb - otherwise perhaps you can take the alarm clock idea and develop it :)?
We’re looking to bring projects into the sprint that can fill out their first five slide deck and make their first attempt at a pitch: Create Your First 2 Min Pitch And Get Valuable Feedback - if you can do that with your project you have a great chance to join us for the Sprint Period!

Goodluck yall!

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I think the second idea, we have it. It’s called ‘Men’s Pervert Eyes’ :slight_smile: Don’t you think so?

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