Two Truths About Bilal... And One Lie 🙈

Three things about me are:
When I was a kid I used to catch snakes and I only was bitten once.
I’ve been sky diving over Kosovo.
I’ve spent time in Basra exploring depleted uranium.

Which is a lie?


Alright @Bilal, I’m going to have to say “skydiving over Kosovo” is a lie because I just googled it and I can’t seem to find any facilities online.

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I’m going to wait till at least three people have guessed :wink:


The suspense is killing me.


Hello @bilal, I totally agree with @Dana

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Haha! Waiting on one more person :slight_smile: Thanks @Remi!


I’ll be the third person… I’ll go for catching snakes :wink:

Uranium. Can’t make that link.

Great guesses! And I love how everyone picked a different one. Sooo, when I was a kid I definitely caught many snakes and I used to keep them as pets. One time I went after a snake that had a nest near by and she was surprisingly protective of her babies. I had no idea that snakes had feelings for their young ones. Anyhow, she totally jumped up and bit my left index finger. I still have a scar today!

In Basra I was using an open source geiger counter trying to see if I could detect elevated radiation levels.

The lie is that while I have been to Kosovo, I’ve never been sky diving. One day… maybe.



The truth is revealed. What you did in Basra is super fascinating. Great blog post on the adventures. I see where your social impact roots reside.

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Apparently there is sky diving in Kosovo, are you planning on doing it soon? take it off your bucket list!!!

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Really? @dana said there wasn’t. Now one of you two is lying ;D!


I think she’s right I was misled by tripadvisor…

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They should consider it, Kosovo is beautiful when it’s peaceful!


You are a wild person and u love adventure. Very interesting childhood. My dream was to skydiving but i don’t know if it will be in Kosovo. You should put it on your bucket list. Good luck.

/me laughs, skydiving sounds like fun actually. I had a dream yesterday I jumped off a cliff!