Welcoming Feedback: UBUS - Rethinking Public Transport in Lebanon

Hi there Startup Scouts!

Please take the time to watch this video presentation about UBUS, a platform to rethink public transport in Lebanon. Happy to hear any comments and feedback, connections or potential interest to collaborate.

Problems UBUS addresses:

Solutions UBUS identifies:

Thanks for taking the time.


Hi Anthony, the problems are clear however the solution is vague! The platform is for timelines & itineraries however i missed the buses for whom? Nowadays the public buses are privately owned and most of them have already adv.! How to get a network organized on timely manners with different owners? What they will benefit from you to offer you in return the adv. opportunities?
Sorry to sound negative but would like to know more about this chronic problem.

Thanks for allowing me to clarify, @johnny.
Independent bus owners lease their buses or drive them on specific roads - each has a different rationale as to why that itinerary was selected. This results in multiple service providers working on the same geographic area without coordination among themselves; it creates inefficiencies and leaves people confused and opt not to ride on the bus. This is forgone ridership and more cars on the streets. Public transport needs to be an integrated network and not independent service providers. That is exactly the purpose of the exercise. While bus owners would still keep their ownership and services provided, UBUS would help optimize their routes and coordinate across the entire network of buses.

God help you with your project since you will be confronting people that are very hard to deal with!

I love your project and hope it works. Do you know yalla bus?

thank you @daramouracade. Yes, i have come across their work.

They are organized among themselves. They know each other Ana coordinate. The only ones that don’t are the #4 van.
Fix the problem in the street then build an app. Don’t waste time day dreaming.