Young engineers forum

Theme: Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Socioeconomic Transformation

Purpose: To highlight the role and importance of Entrepreneurship in Lebanon.

Tentative Agenda:

PART I (60 minutes)

i. Registration & Networking (30 min)
ii. Opening Speeches (30 min)

Part II (30 minutes)


Part III (Panel discussion – 40 minutes)

Challenges & Opportunities for entrepreneurs in Lebanon - Overview of entrepreneurship development in Lebanon.

Part IV (20 minutes)

Pitches to innovative startup ideas for young engineers (3 pitches)

Part V (30 min)

Wrap- up and concluding remarks

Cocktail and Networking

Note: This event is co-organized by the Order of Engineer in Beirut, Rural Entrepreneurs and Tatweer Baladna, and its open to public.