Youth Climate Innovation Labs MENA - Deadline September 9, 2022

This call from Seedstars might be interesting for some of you, especially since the topics of climate change, transportation and urban planning are rarely seen!

#OpenCall :loudspeaker: Apply before September 9th!!

Send your applications today!
In English :white_check_mark: 🌍 Application for Youth Climate Innovation Lab (MENA)
In Arabic :white_check_mark: تطبيق مختبر ابتكار المناخ للشباب 🌍 (الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا)

The deadline for the Youth Climate Innovation Labs MENA is extended to the 9th of September! We are looking for youth innovators who want to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and create innovative solutions to tackle climate change.:bulb: :seedling:

Seedstars is teaming up with the United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) , UN Environment Programme and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to launch the CTCN Youth Climate Innovation Lab in the MENA region this year!

100 talented youths from all over the MENA will be selected to create solutions in the following focus areas:
:dart: Climate Change / Renewable Energy / Circular Economy / Waste Management
:dart: Agriculture / Ecology / Food
:dart: Transportation / Urban Planning

#climateaction #climatetech #technology #innovation #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #transportation

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